

Our regional Winnipeg & District Branch has its own By-Laws. They were developed by members of the board and finalized in April 2015. We invite you to read its contents. To view a copy of the by-laws, please click here

Communication Plan

Our regional Winnipeg & District Branch covers a large geographical area with the majority of its members residing in the City of Winnipeg. One of the challenges is to identify ways and means of communicating to all of our members with current information of the various activities that the branch and national offices are involved in.

Our branch has prepared a list of communication objectives to serve its members. For more details, we invite you to read our branch's communication plan dated 2014-15

Position Descriptions for all Board Members

As a member of the board of directors, this person is acting in a position of trust for the branch members. To obtain more information about the responsibility, requirements, term, and duties for each of the board member positions, we invite you to read the various descriptions* provided below:

*Please note that these position descriptions continue to be reviewed for accuracy and will be updated as required.

**Also note that the positions of 2nd vice-president and health benefits officer were voted out at the April 11, 2018's Annual General Meeting.